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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 20, 2013 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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blood on his boat's cover, pulled back the tarp and spotted a blood covered body. he alerted police which led to the final siege. >> on behalf of the hundreds of people who were hurt by the explosions at the marathon, i want to say how grateful i am. >> reporter: in all, a week of terror. three killed at the boston marathon. a police officer ambushed and killed. another seriously wounded. nearly 200 injured in a city and region set on edge. the first suspect, dzhokhar's older brother, died hours earlier in a violent gunfight. their nightmare now over. the people of boston finally able to rest easy. chris pallone, nbc news, watertown, massachusetts. >> late last night, this photo was released. the atf says it shows authorities searching moments after his capture. there's a lot going on.
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here's a time line of the events that led up to yesterday's resolution. at 10:30 thursday night on the east coast, an m.i.t. police officer ambushed and killed. shortly thereafter, two men car jacked a mercede's. releasing the driver. then around 1:00 a.m., police spotted the car in watertown and were attacked with explosives. after a shootout that ensued, 26-year-old tamerlan tsarnaev was pronounced dead at the hospital. at 1:17, officials descended and began the start of a massive man hunt. several explosive devices scatterled in the streets were detonated. at 8:00 a.m., the governor urged boston to shelter in place. that was lifted ten hours later. around 7:00 last night, shots erupted in watertown once between. federal investigators received a tip that a person covered in blood was inside a boat in a woman's backyard. at 8:45 after another round of gunfire, officials announced
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they do have the suspect in custody alive. and dozens of people waiting on the streets of watertown erupt into cheers, applauding the work of law enforcement. the white house releasing this photo of president obama in the oval office moments after tsarnaev was captured. it showed the president being briefed by the assistant to the president. mr. obama addressed the nation last night. praising law enforcement personnel and the city of boston for its resolve. this week, some 9,000 people from every law enforcement agency near and far descended upon boston to help catch the the two men who allegedly terrorized the city. the key was working together. coming up later in this newscast, we sit down with a bay area expert on s.w.a.t. communication to discuss what it takes to keep the country safe. life in boston and in watertown is returning to normal this morning. major sporting events including home games will be played today. both were postponed yesterday.
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closer to home, the giants are taking on the padres tonight. the officials are warning folks to give themselves plenty of extra time to get through security. today in the bay's monty francis has a look at what fans can expect at att park. >> any cell phones, any keys in your pockets, you want to take them out. >> as the first group of fans entered, each person was scanned with a metal detecting wand. an added measure of security not usually in place at this point in the season. >> we've done this for marquee events, for our high-profile events. and it's just the responsible and prudent thing to be doing now, given what's happening in our country this week and what happened in boston. >> i don't mind. i mean, something new but we had to do it. >> reporter: but by first pitch at 7:00, the ballpark wasn't half full for the soldout game and thousands of fans were still outside waiting to get in. at one point, the line stretched almost half a mile, well past townsend street.
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>> i think it's a great idea because of what's going on currently in our country. unfortunately, i mean, they did send out a warning, arrive early. and apparently 45 minutes early is just not early enough. >> reporter: by 7:30, security screeners stopped using the wands altogether. so fans who were losing their patience could just get in and enjoy the game. >> they should plan for these things. they should have staff that actually gets us into the game. you think they'd be professional enough to get us in. >> reporter: aside from the screening process, all weekend long, fans should expect a larger police presence than usual. in and around att park. and once inside the park, fans are being asked to remember the text to security program which enables anyone to text anonymously to a security officer about unruly fans or anything suspicious. >> we were just discussing the 49er/raiders game, the last one
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they had, and how many fights and one person got stabbed, one person got shot, so i think it's good. >> reporter: monty francis, today in the bay. >> the 11-year-old boy from martinez whose leg was injured by shrapnel in monday's bombings continues to recover. the family says aaron was able to eat his first solid meal in the hospital yesterday. and he could be released from the hospital, quote, soon. a family friend and neighbor is holding a photo fund-raiser for aaron today. many of their local businesses are donating a portion their profits to aaron and to his family throughout the weekend as well. aaron was waiting for his mother near the finish line at the boston marathon when the bombs went off. much more ahead on today in the bay. an emotional night as hundreds gathered to remember the life of a 15-year-old girl who took her own life after or alleged sexual assault. the family's message to her friends and classmates.
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an absolutely beautiful start to your saturday morning. a live image right now of the golden gate bridge as folks just start to wake up. here locally, a community in mourning right now. hundreds gathered to remember the life of 15-year-old audrey pott. family, friends and former classmates came together for a candlelight vigil at saratoga high school last night. audrey had taken her own life after she was allegedly sexually assaulted and photos were spread through text messages and e-mails. friends say she didn't tell them how much the bullies was impacting her. >> feels like nobody knew about what happened. it was a shock to everybody. i guess that's kind of what hurts more is i could have helped. and i didn't even get a chance to. >> she's gone because of them. because they were stupid. because they thought it was funny. >> the e-mails, the texts -- >> audrey's father and aunt also
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spoke to the crowd at the vigil. thanks everybody for their support. and promising to push for justice in this case. the family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the three teenagers arrested last week in connection with the alleged assault. still ahead on "today in the bay," our coverage of the bombings in boston continues. the capture of the suspect took help from some 9,000 people from law enforcement agencies across the country. we sit down with an expert.
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a live image of the city of san francisco as the city begins to wake on this saturday morning. but first, we return to our
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coverage of the attack in boston. more than 9,000 people from law enforcement agencies all across the country were in the city this week to help track down the two men who paralyzed the city for days and the key was how well they were able to work together toward a common goal. joining me now is an expert on communication between agencies. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. this was a fascinating, a gripping, a suspenseful terrifying last few days for our national audience watching this unfold. we know that agencies and jurisdictions and bureaus from all other the country all collaborating in trying to capture the suspects in this case. how many people were involved? >> hundreds, thousands of people, and a number of agencies. if you think about in the state of massachusetts alone, you have boston police, you have special forces as well which include things like s.w.a.t. teams. you have massachusetts state police, you have fbi, and a number of other jurisdictions.
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>> all those different elements trying to work together. how difficult is it to communicate? is there a hierarchal stature? how do they figure out who is responsible for what? >> there's a lot of challenges. when you have different agencies, they might have different communication patterns. one group might use ten codes. another group might not use those. finding out the different patterns among each group is difficult. in terms of the hierarchy, it's going to depend on the area. if you look at a city like new york, for example, new york has five counties. should the county take preced t precedent? so to find out who's in charge, it's going to depend on the individual. what's important is they do it before hand. >> do you think there was perhaps some tension in figuring out the landscape going into
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this situation? do you think that the emphasis on communication and all of the investment that's been made in upgrading communications paid dividends in terms of what happened this week? >> absolutely, no question. they spent a lot of time and money in the last ten years making sure that these agencies know how to work together beforehand. so for example, in boston, recently, they had a 24 hour simulation involving a number of jurisdictions including doctors and nurses. they practice things like applyiapply ing tourniquets and being in the right place at the right time. >> this was not sprung on local forces. they had trained previously for an event just like this. even though hopefully it's unfact that maniable for most of us. >> i'd say boston's more prepared than almost any other city. for me, i'd observed s.w.a.t. teams in other parts of the country and i can tell you they
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practice with things like ieds that are detonated by cell phones. they take past experiences and they use them to make sure they're prepared. >> i know obviously events were unfolding in real time. with respect to how it ended in terms of a firefight in a residential neighborhood, did that surprise you given the fact there were all theses fors coming together and yet the public did end up in danger? >> it's always a challenge and, you know, being in the media that even if it wasn't in a residential area, people would be there somehow. the suspects aren't going to put themselves -- they're not going to isolate themselves because it's easier for them to hide in crowds. so that's always a challenge. >> one last question for you. there was such a wide swath of land that had to be addressed here. i'm sure all different kinds of agencies are receiving tips. how do they figure out how to narrow down their search and fine-tune it to find a suspect in this case? >> that's a good question. i heard the fbi after putting
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out the suspect's photos see something like 10,000 tips a minute. they have to rely on their knowledge. these are experts on what they do. so they take their past experiences and say, this tip sounds right to me. this tip doesn't sound right. they're able to narrow down to the tips that are going to be most effective, most salient for them. >> i think most of us are in awe of how effective authorities, both state and local, were able to bring about a happy ending. relieving one for many people in boston. let me send it over to anthony for the weather. >> thank you, sam. good information. we are talking about some very warm conditions. in fact, if you haven't been outside over the past couple of days, you've been missing out. it's been very warm. temperatures each and every day this upcoming week, even into this weekend, will climb just a little bit. so today, that puts our inland
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valleys right at 80 degrees. yesterday, we're in the r70s. coastal locations not too warm. 68 will do it for your top temperature there. again, this is just the beginning of a very warm trend. our air quality will start to suffer once we get into monday just because temperatures are actually going to get closer to 90 degrees. that's where we're going to see the worst air quality. temperatures right now very comfortable. 51 in santa rosa. 50 in san francisco. same in san mateo. we have a big area of high pressure that's in control of our weather. really been in control of our weather for the past week or so. this thing's going to hang on tightly over the next few days. what that means is clear skies. we're talking about temperatures that will be above average by about ten degrees come sunday and monday. for today though, not too bad. pacifica, 68. winds out of the north at about
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10 to 15. half-moon bay, a little warmer there. winds out of the north. our best beach weather today will of course be in santa cruz. 76 degrees today. if you like that, hang on, we're talking about temperatures tomorrow about 5 degrees warmer. santa cruz in the 80s tomorrow. perhaps the giants game, temperatures this evening very comfortable in san francisco. 67 by game time. falling back into the 50s. winding will be light tonight so not look at blustery conditions. temperatures today top out near 80 in santa rosa. 78 in san jose. some of our warmer spots will be off to the east. your seven day forecast shows temperatures warming big time tomorrow. about a five-degree jump. about a ten-year jump as we head towards monday. so places today like livermore, san jose, santa rosa. we'll be topping out close to 90 degrees. really incredible for this time of year. we'll be looking at a few
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records for possibly monday and tuesday as well. remember that water and spf. >> did i hear you say if you like 76 degrees? who's going to come out and say no? 76, take it back, i'm not interested? >> there are a few of us. not me though. >> i'm glad we had full clearance on that. thank you very much. a lot to look forward to on the weather front. coming up, one girl on a mission to save lives. how she's raised thousands to help bat a disease that impacts millions.
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what happened in boston earlier this week has many of us thinking about how exactly we respond and should response to tragedy and to loss. a 7-year-old san jose girl may have something to teach us about that. she lost her mother to cancer earlier this year but ever since then has not stopped trying to make something good out of something so heartbreaking. today in the bay's garvin thomas
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has her story. one that will make you bay area proud. >> let's go ahead and get started. >> reporter: the relay for life team captains are meeting at a san jose middle school. they're just a couple weeks left till their annual fund-raising walk for the american cancer society. >> superexcited about how we're doing so far. >> reporter: among the close to 100 captains, though, one stands out. and by that we don't mean you sometimes find her standing on a chair. no, 7-year-old kenna is not just the youngest captain by far. her team has raised the most money by far. this year's relay is not kenna's first. her family fielded a team last year. >> seven laps equals a mile. i walked ten. my mom walked ten. >> reporter: kenna's mother robin had been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. but after a period of success thanks to radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, the
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cancer had returned. robin would not live to see this year's relay. >> bake sale. bake sale. cookies. brownies. bake sale. >> reporter: beginning the day after her mother's death, kenna has thrown herself, all 50 pounds of it, into this year's event. kenna says team reader kids has raised the most because they work the hardest. >> bake sale. >> reporter: and are the cutest. both were in evidence at a recent bake sale outside their neighborhood safeway. the more than $700 this event pulled in are on top of the more than $16,000 kenna's team has raised. >> i think she's amazing. i seriously am just amazed that at 7 years old she gets it and she knows how to drive towards a goal and she's making it happen. >> reporter: kenna, though, has not just been an inspiration to other fund-raisers. she's an inspiration to her
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father. he says ironically it has been his daughters who has set the tone for life without mom. >> it's almost like it neutralizes my pain, you know, because i go, if they can handle it as well as they are, then i should be too. >> reporter: it seems they knew the right recipe for dealing with a loss. do keep busy. don't feel sorry for yourself. and above all, make sure you find at least some good in something bad. >> no one would refute kenna's determination and cuteness. that was garvin tums reporting. still ahead on today in the bay, our coverage from boston continues. first terror and now relief. dramatic new images out of water town this morning of the takedown of the most wanted man in the country. [ birds chirping ]
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[ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ]
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on an absolutely beautiful start to a saturday morning, a live look right now at the city of san francisco. good morning. thank you for joining us. i'm sam brock. chris sanchez has the morning off. it's the culmination of a week's worth of waiting in terms of beautiful weather. >> it's going to be very warm today. especially once we get into the inland valleys. temperatures there will top out near 80 degrees. so get the shorts out, it is going to be spectacular. even at the coast today, temperatures topping out in the upper 60s. right now, it's 50 in san francisco, 51 in san mateo and sunnyvale. gilroy at 51 degrees. a little cool by santa cruise. later on at the beach, santa cruz will be at 76 today. and 80 in livermore. if you're making plans to head down to the giants game this evening, 70. so perfect conditions.
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>> dare i say picturesque for the san francisco giants game. thank you, anthony. back ton the latest now from boston. as police and federal agents moved in on the second boston marathon bombing suspect last night. a crew from our sister station in sacramento was the closest to the action. >> reporter: across the parking lot, officers run towards the sound of gunshots and shout at us to take cover. with helmets, body armor and assault rifles, two columns of s.w.a.t. officers file past us. soon, we're broadcasting live pictures as the search for the bombing suspect focuses on one backyard. there's a helicopter overhead. i can tell you the starting to get late here. small tank-like robots with mounted cameras show us.
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neighbors run for safety as more off certains arrive with drawindogs and night vision goggles. as the sun goes down, we notice the lights are on at the house in which the guns are aimed. the flash bangs light up the trees. officers shout at the suspect to come out. they tell him they know he's hurt and needs a doctor. eventually the officers emerge out from behind their cover and confirm that the suspect is in custody. watertown neighbors applaud. they cheer the officers as they leave and celebrate that the search is finally over. >> as you see right there, relief felt by thousands in boston. as this is going on, the father of the two suspects spoke to nbc news from his home in russia.
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he grew angry at times but maintained his sons' innocence. he says he believed his sons were framed. even calling the shooting of his oldest friend cowardly. he said it's not physically possible they would be angry enough to, quote, bomb america. now, meantime, the suspect's estranged uncle is sharing a different view of these two men. he spoke outside of his maryland home yesterday. >> he put a shame, he put a shame on our family. he put a shame on the entire chechen ethnicity. i say what i think was behind it, being losers, not being able to settle themselves. and thereby just hating everyone who did. i say, dzhokhar, if you're alive, turn yourself in. and ask for forgiveness.
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from the victims. from the injured. and from those who left ask forgive misfrness from these pe. >> the white house releasing this photo of president obama in the oval office moments after tsarnaev was captured. in his weekly address this morning, mr. obama said boston's spirit remains undaunted and americans have proven they refuse to be terrorized. >> through the days that would test even the sturdiest of souls, boston's spirit remains undaunted. america's spirit remains undimmed. our faith in each other, our love for this country, our common creed that cuts across whatever superficial differences we may have, that's what makes us strong. that's why we endure. >> the events in boston are having ripple effects with regard to security right here in the bay area. just ask anybody who went to the san francisco giants game last
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night. the team decided to step up security by scanning every single fan coming into the ballpark with a metal detecting wand. but the process was taking so long, more than hatch tlf the c was still waiting. screeners stopped using the wands so fans could just get inside. >> they should plan for these things. they should have staff who actually get us into the game. you pay a lot of money to get us into these games. >> it's a good idea because of what's currently going on in our country. they did send out a warning, arrive early for all sporting events. apparently 45 minutes early is just not early enough. >> there's no word yet if the giants plan to scan every fan with the wands this weekend but officials are warning fans to get to the park nice and early. three days after that massive fertilizer plant explosion, rescue crews in west texas say there is little hope of finding anyone alive.
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at least 15 people were killed in wednesday night's blast which decimated a four block area and destroyed 50 homes in this tiny community. texas governor rick perry says the search and rescue phase is now complete. the investigation into what cause the the explosion is ongoing. closer to home, hundreds of people gathered in the south bay to remember the life of 15-year-old audrey pott. audrey took her own life seven months ago after she was allegedly sexually assaulted and photos of the attack were disseminated through text messages and e-mails. >> i'll miss her a lot. >> reporter: family and friends gathered, still trying to come to terms with her suicide in september and the events leading up to it. >> and she's gone because of them, because they were stupid, because they thought it was funny. >> reporter: the 15-year-old took her own life after she was allegedly sexually assaulted.
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>> she was a living embodiment of the golden rule as in treat others the way you wanted to be treated. no one ever wanted to be treated the way that she was and i hope no one ever has to feel that way again. >> reporter: friends say audrey didn't tell them how much the bullying affected her and they wish she would have spoken up. >> feels like nobody knew about what happened. it was a shock to everybody. i guess that's kind of what hurts more. is that i could have helped. and i didn't even get a chance to. >> my dearest audrey, words can only express -- >> reporter: her cousin read a letter she wrote to audrey right after her death. >> i knew the second you were born that you were the little sister i always wanted and i would do anything to protect you. i am so sorry i failed. >> reporter: her father and aunt spoke to the crowd, thanking everyone and promising to push for justice in this case. >> she always did the right thing. she thought of herself as the peacemaker in the group. she always tried to keep peace.
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and so now we've decided we need to keep the peace for her. >> there's so much that i know audrey would have liked to experience that you're hopefully going to get to experience some day. with jobs and college and marriage and children and all kinds of adventures out there in the world. just live your lives better for having known audrey and loved audrey the way that we do. >> that was kimberly terry reporting. the north vallejo little league is holding a meeting to decide the fate of its season. the league suspended all games after gunshots at a game earlier this week. police say a parent fired shots into the car of another parent from the opposing team on wednesday. thankfully, no one was hurt and no arests have been made. the league says the season has been canceled indefinitely till it can figure out how to ensure
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the safety of its players. a sheriff's deputy is on routine administrative leave after he struck two pedestrians with his patrol car killing one of them. investigators say the deputy was driving at 4:00 yesterday morning when he hit a man and woman crossing the street. the man died from his injuries. investigators have not said whether the pedestrians were in a crosswalk. after the deputy hit the couple, the chp says he swerved and crashed into a parked car. the chp says the woman who survived was intoxicated at the time and had narcotics in her system. much more ahead. coming up, the boy scouts appear ready to lift their ban on gay scouts. we'll tell you why some critics are demanding more.
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rise and shine, it's 7:41.
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the father of a boy scout who brought national attention to the scout's ban on gays is responding to news that the organization is poised to partially lift their ban. it's considering dropping its ban on gay scouts, however, it will stay bar gay adults from serving as scout masters. this boy scout brought national attention to this ban last year when he was denied his rank because of his sexuality. ryan's father says he's encouraged but he says the fight is far from over. >> this is an awesome opportunity for more of the youth to get involved in scouting. i think the next step is going to have to be to get people to recognize that adult leaders should not be turned away. >> under the proposal, ryan could finally be awarded his eagle rank but because he's now 18 years old he'll still be banned. scout leaders must vote in may.
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much more ahead. coming up, a very special mission. the new journey these vets are embarking on. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet.
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rethink possible. some of you allergy sufferers, if you have any as ma or respiratory illnesses, east bay, south bay, that's when we
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start to see air quality really suffer. temperatures are expected to be near 90 degrees. for today, not going to be that warm, near 80. already starting off very mild. san francisco at 50. santa rosa right now at 51. we have a big area of high pressure that's in control of our weather right now. that's going to remain in control of our weather really for the next few days with clear skies. we'll probably see a few thin clouds get up underneath this ridge. we're not talking about any low dark clouds. it's going to be very bright and very much beach weather. in fact, today, we'll start that warming trend. 68 in pacifica. tomorrow, tacking about five degrees on to that. the warmest location, along our coastal beaches, will be 76 in santa cruz. really, this is where you want to be if you're going to be at the beach today and tomorrow. 5 degrees warmer puts santa cruz in the 80s. 80 today in santa rosa.
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livermore, back to 80. santa theresa, back to 82. gill gilroy at 84 degrees. tomorrow, mid-80s, inland, mid-70s at the coast. so perfect beach day. record heat for monday and tuesday. the ridge kind of breaks down. unusual warming and record heat for the next few days. >> we are seeing some highs and lows. >> yes, and now we're on the high spot. >> thank you, appreciate it. a group of bay area world war ii veterans set out on a special mission. "today in the bay" shows us their trip. >> we were off japan. >> captured in the balkans.
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had to bail out of a plane. >> the first envisiinvasion we >> they gathered at san francisco international airport. trading stories. swapping memories. >> over here. i was a banker. >> 24 veterans forever linked by their service in world war ii. >> 1, 2, 3. >> their days of glory long passed. along with many of their friends in shared fox holes. >> so many world war ii veterans are gone. that's the sad thing. >> this gathering wasn't about sadness. it was about one more mission. one more journey into the past. these bay area world war ii veterans were heading back to washington, d.c. to visit for the first time the national world war ii memorial. >> this is a memorial that's been built to honor freedom. and they are the generation that
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has given that to us. >> it was a freedom paid with young lives. george peabody was shot in the leg in io jima. >> became evident this is not boy scouting anymore. >> ralph was among five brothers who served in the war. >> we were the generation that saved the nation, so that's very important for anybody coming up behind us. >> the site of these veterans passing through sfo on friday caught the emotions of travelers and the veterans. the pilgrimage east was arranged by the volunteer group honor flight northern california. >> we feel it's the least we can do to give them this trip to honor themselves and their friends that were lost. >> it means closure for world war ii and the fact that japan and germany were trying to conquer the world and they
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failed. >> many of the veterans who are now in their 80s say it's one of the last major journeys they'll make. >> we want to go back there before we're gone. >> so these 23 men and one woman boarded a plane. some for the first time since the war. to a place where the history of their honor and sacrifice will live on in granite and steel for generations. joe ro sato jr. nbc bay area news. >> great story, a trip they'll never forget. much more ahead. coming up, the warriors gearing up for game one in denver today. are your competitive juices flowing?
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let's take a live look right now at oracle arena which will be rocking when the warriors
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return home. they will take to the court today for their first playoff game in six years. yesterday, the team had their final tune-up in denver. the nuggets are considered the best home team in the league. they certainly had the best home record. the warriors say they're hungry. >> it's been a whole lot of time, effort and energy put into this opportunity as a coach, as a player. and we've come up with a solution of how we were going to be successful. and we're sticking to it. we're a defensive minded team that's tied together. that don't take this game too serious. and have a lot of fun. >> and here's a look at the schedule for the first four games of the best of seven series. tip-off for today's game is at the pepsi center. it's 2:30 this afternoon. the first home game will take place on friday. tickets for the games at oracle arena go on sale this morning
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starting at 10:00 a.m. from the court to the diamonds, the giants behind a strong outing from baumgartner begin with a strong inning. giants win in the walk-off fashion, the most exciting way to win, by a count of 3-2. the a's looking to stay undefeated opundefeat on the road this season. evan longoria. his 2-1 blast blows the game open. we'll have much more ahead. coming up, these little ones are almost ready for a new home.
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we are joined this morning, in case you couldn't tell, by some special guests from pets in
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need. volunteer lisa is here with a couple of little foster kittens. they're almost ready for some new homes. just a couple weeks away. how young are these little guys? >> these guys are 5 1/2 weeks. and we do spay and neuter. we practice pediatric spaying and neutering so they'll be fixed when they hit two pounds in eight weeks. >> only 5 1/2 weeks and they're looking for good homes i'm sure. >> absolutely. and, you know, we like to encourage people, if you can't have a pet on a permanent basis, fostering is a wonderful way to get a pet fix. it's not long term. we can hook you up with neo nate kittens and you can keep them for the full two months, or, you know, you could keep a kitten for just a couple of weeks or a week. we have moms and babies. >> these guyes are absolutely adorable. i'm sure you'll have no trouble at all having them adopted. but i guess how strong, how
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immediate is the need in terms of the number of animals you have at your shelter? it may not be as easy to have some of them adopted. >> we are in what's called kitten season and puppy season as well. but it's mainly kitten season. for instance, right now, just within the last two weeks we have over 48 kittens. it is, and all shelters are filling up. we just really like to encourage people, go to your shelters and adopt. don't buy. >> do you find that's kind of the biggest impediment is people may have their heart set on a purebred or wouldn't necessarily thing to adopt from a shelter? >> absolutely. sometimes you're absolutely right, that can impede somebody coming to a shelter to look, but please give your shelters a chance. we have great animals. >> you would also have to spay and neuter your animals, i'm sure? >> absolutely, spaying and neutering should happen more frequently than it did. >> just out of curiosity, if you
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had to guess how much they weigh each, more than five pounds right now or not? >> my goodness, this one actually i know weighs 1.2 pounds and this one is 1.5 pounds. >> you could just hold it in the palm of your hand. >> would you like to? >> for the same of the animals, i would say that's a bad idea, however, they are wonderful. thank you for joining us. we'll see you later today. oes s. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
7:57 am
- if you've come looking for some fun or a chance to be most anyone there's a little shop i know you'll find it on "the chica show" follow me and step inside imagination is your guide pick a costume off you go now you're on "the chica show" cowboys dancers astronauts and much more adventure is the thing we always have in store so join our funny family - and me - and me - and me - and me - the clothes are cool the fun is free so welcome to "the chica show"
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- mr. c? - ah, ah, ah. - what? - ah. - mrs. c, mr. c is d-- mrs. c? - ah. - chica, chica. why are you all frozen? and why didn't anyone tell me it was funny hat day? - freeze-- ha-- looks like i got everyone. i win again. - uh, jet, why am i frozen? - oh, we're playing hat tag. you chase the other players, and when you put a hat on them,
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they have to freeze. - my stars, you certainly can jet, jet. - can i try-- can i try? can i try-- - sure, kelly. but, i have to warn you that i am pretty-- - freeze! - ah. - i'm coming for you, mr. c. mr. c-- look! - what? - freeze. here i come, mrs. c. freeze-- chica, you are the last one. [chica squeaking] - yes, i can-- i'm gonna get you. freeze-- oh, i got everyone! i am good. and mrs. c. - wow, kelly. i think you're even faster than jet. - well, because you're so fast, you can be it next.


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